
Run Zephy Run!

Congratulations to Zephyrus in Year 2 who completed Cityvarvet and came 30th in the ‘under 15 boys’ section. This is particularly impressive because he was competing against people up to 6 years older than himself.

Badminton Success

Our congratulations to Akshadha and Rama in Year 4 who after competing in Uppsala, are now Swedish badminton doubles champions in their age group. Furthermore, Rama came second in the singles competition, and Akshadha came third. Rama also scored a bronze in the mixed doubles.

Language Olympics 2024

Congratulations to Eric and Fatema in Year 9 who represented the school at the finals for the English section of the Language Olympics in Malmö. They did especially well as they had to compete with students from gymnasium, some of whom were three years older than them.

Student Featured in Art Exhibition at the Louvre

Our big congratulations to Aaron in Year 2 who had his artwork displayed at the famous Louvre Museum in Paris. This was part of an art exhibition called “One World One Future” which was sponsored by the UN World Food Program. We think this is a first for our school!

Pi Competition

On March 14th we celebrated Pi day with a competition around Pi memorisation, in which Shreyansh impressively memorized Pi to 99 places.

Year 9 Design Project

Year 9 have been working with Universeum and Volvo on a project to design innovations for future transport. They have recently been to Universeum to present their work and we’re delighted to say that one of the designs won the 2nd prize. Congratulations to Amitis, Fuying, Isa, Siri and Isabel.

Vi i Femman!

5HL have been taking part in the quarter finals of Vi i Femman. Sissi and Ronja put in a strong performance in the quarter finals and took part in the semi-finals. They did not go through to the final, but we are very impressed with their general knowledge and Swedish.

Sports Accomplishments

We are pleased to tell you that Reber in Year 9 continues to train with the national football team in his age group and that Risha in the same year group is playing badminton for Sweden.

Reading Challenge 2024

Students in Year 2 – 7 have been reading enthusiastically since the Reading Challenge’s start this January. The winning year group for most read books in the junior years was Year 2, who read 469 books! Year 6 won amongst the seniors, who read a combined total of 234 books! Furthermore, the PTA generously donated 15 000 kr to Reading Challenge prizes.

Understanding the Impact of Screen Time

A special thanks to Dr. Åse Victorin, specialist in pediatrics and an expert on screen stress and child development, for her remarkable lecture on understanding the dangers of screen time and providing parents with advice on how to build a healthier relationship to technology.